
【SPURS 现场】“王加加:锃光瓦亮” | Gallery I

S SPURS Gallery 2020-10-19

“王加加:锃光瓦亮”展览现场(Gallery I),2020.5.22 - 6.21 | 全文图片摄影: Anita Zheng©SPURS Gallery



SPURS Gallery 荣幸地宣布在画廊周北京期间于Gallery I 推出艺术家王加加个展“锃光瓦亮”,已于今日(5月22日)开幕,将展至6月21日。这是继王加加2018年在博而励画廊的个展☛“带你飞”后,全新创作首次亮相画廊空间。




对于艺术家来说,创作的过程是在经历时间;对于观众而言,时间的刻度可以在每一层的互相影响中呈现。王加加作品所携的物质性是对地质时间(geological time)下历史感的一种微观隐喻。他看似构建了一个平面的网络,电子游戏、音乐歌词到电影、体育运动等大量援引与线索混杂其间,这些线索又在纵深向获得了立体的维度——一方面,是当代生活“能指”(signifier)的大爆炸,我们获取的信息和体验都被超载;另一方面,是不同时间内在的崩塌:古老的传统、即逝的过往、童年的记忆、当下的时刻以及对未来的想象交混在一起。以创作过程与结果的博弈作为形成作品面貌的方法,以及艺术家对现成品图像的有意选择,令王加加的艺术在围绕着当代景观中无处不在的数码图像展开叙事的过程中,形成了流行元素与经典制式矛盾之下不同文化庞杂交融的精神图谱。

SPURS Gallery is pleased to announce that Wang Jiajia's solo exhibition "Elegant, Circular, Timeless" was launched during Gallery Weekend Beijing, at Gallery I. The exhibition has opened today (May 22) will be exhibited until June 21. Following Wang Jiajia's solo exhibition "Pop the Champagne" at Boers-Li Gallery in 2018, the artist will debut his recent series of “face-painting” works.


In this exhibition, the artist has devised a protagonist about to take the stage. At the center of each painting is a pair of wide cartoon eyes, sometimes partially closed, sometimes sparkling from amidst a forest of brushstrokes to reveal a rich range of emotions: surprised, suffering, scheming, ruthless… They are spread out on the walls around the space, staring at or the viewer head-on or casting a sideways glance. The eyes are those of villains from twentieth-century cartoons and anime. The artist’s appropriation has turned the viewer/viewed power dynamic on its head: the outsized antagonist behind the provocative eyes has been locked away in the picture, resisting the probing gaze of the viewer. Wang Jiajia’s customary approach is to collect material from around the internet, design a base image in photoshop, print it onto a canvas, and “destroy” it with dazzling colors and coatings of transparent resin. In this new series, the eyes are all that remain from the base image. The thick textures and turbulent brushwork, when juxtaposed with the perfectly smooth printed base layer, produce an illusion of depth disparity. Here, the eyes become a window onto how the picture is created, and the center of a dizzying visual tempest.


For the artist, time is experienced in the making of the work, and for the viewer, time presents itself through the interplay between different layers. This material process is like a micro metaphor for the strata of the history of geological time. At first glance, he appears to have constructed a horizontal meshwork of numerous references and cues, from video games and song lyrics to cinema and sports; but these references actually also take on a vertical dimension—the explosion of signifiers of contemporary life, which brings information and sensation overload; but also the implosion of different times: ancient traditions, the recent past, childhood memories, current moments, and the future imagination. As the artist uses the contention between creative process and outcome to shape the artwork, and consciously selects readymade images, a narrative process unfolds around the ubiquitous digital images of the contemporary landscape, presenting us with a psychic constellation of different cultures intersecting amidst conflicting elements of popular culture and classical canon.





2020.5.22 - 6.21
SPURS Gallery | 北京 798 艺术区 D-06 号

Wang Jiajia: Elegant, Circular, Timeless 

2020.5.22 - 6.21 

SPURS Gallery | D-06, 798 Art Zone, 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing


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